Theraphi Healing Plasma: Deep Science & Practice, Dan Winter –film from –  w/ Mauricio- Yoga & Theraphi

Mauricio presents- advance in Theraphi practice- synergy with breath training, biofeedback, group Theraphi entrainment.. much more.. -> see also Mauricio Theraphi healing center- Paraguay:

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Hello brothers and sisters! I´m Mauricio from Asunción, Paraguay, I’ve been practicing with the Theraphi for 2 years now and here are some things I’ve learned along the way. My personal web is Starting with the setup: I designed this furniture that hold the lamps and coil to fit perfectly so that it stays aligned. And also the lamp tables have this little sticking squares of matt (those used under the legs of furniture so it slides) so that the lamp holders fit onto them and stay aligned. It’s very handy, specially in the case of having to change setups and cleaning. Also I made this wood boxes that stack with each other so I can regulate the hight (when the bed is bent, and it needs to go to the chest or head The cables go safely behind and under the tables and gives some protection to not touch them. The bed is completely wood with the less screws as possible and it has 2 wheels at one side and handles at the other, so I can easily align the center at different parts of the body, and move the bed so the person can get it and out more easily. I experimented a lot with breathwork (both before and during), which is amazing. I use the yogic system so there are specific practices according to the elemental archetype which is out of balance. Had amazing results with that because naturally the person can relax much more, among other things is the fact that I measured that breath holding increases alpha brain waves. AND the ionized air from the system is much better received through conscious breathing. The 0.1 Hz breath cycle works good, both before and during the Theraphi, as long as it is soft and good diaphragmatic movement. This is very efficient for the person to do while laying on the bed, to stay conscious and not going to a sleep state right away, as the system also facilitates this state between awake and sleep. In yoga we now it is a very special meditative instance where you can do so much more in terms of developing a super healing state, and really get into some subconscious cleanse, and intention work. Another thing I’ve experimented is Intensity-time regulation. Full intensity as instructed is in short time, 3 to 9 min ON (then the same amount or 2/3 of the time ON as OFF), 3 cycles max: Great for serious/urgent interventions and for advanced clients. I refer to middle intensity being when the blue hue light stays in the middle of the cone or more towards the base of the cone. It almost doesn’t get hot and is softer on the feeling, timing-medium intensity 10 to 25min ON: Great in general, I use this more, great for prana healing/reiki. Up to 2 longer cicles And lower intensity as when up to the 3 electrodes light up and just a little more when the vortex is formed but it doesn’t touch the glass, you can leave that ON for a long time. I’ve measured up to 1 hour and it wouldn’t get hot at all. I used this setting to do a full yoga workouts, long group sessions and meditations, massages, great for starters (like one long soft exposure), more relaxed, not as euphoric, and for massages also. Increased body awareness is a common denominator. This is very useful for any healing instance. We now through W.Tiller and Dan that attention condenses the electric field, and that when the attention is directed into the body, the cellular communication is enhanced. So I would recommend inviting clients to direct the awareness to the body part where the illness is and develop a communication-intention with the body. Dan did suggest this also and I’ve notice the difference, many people just lay down and loose all attention, this is not ideal. In general I´ve seen people who felt asleep quickly had very little HRV changes. Following that is the meditative state instance, which is greatly enhanced in the system. I recommend for anyone trying to get deeper with the Theraphi, to make a meditate practice and do it on a seated-upright posture without leaning the back. On a chair or crosslegged in the bed WITH medium to low intensities, and go for it 20-30min (and of course some good dharana). I’ve done so much with this in the ways of entering very deep, I implemented it with more advanced clients and it is next level. It is really like being in a very pristine place in nature but with a gentle-supercharge. In the yogic lore, we say “only when you perfect an upright seated posture with ease and steadiness you shall learn how to light and hold the kundalini”.

This is clear nowadays as we understand more about how good postures facilitates functional breathing and craneo-sacral pumping, among other propieceptive-interoceptive significance, hence more electrical conductivity. So yeah, in my personal experience and in many advance clients I work with, they report much more concentration, sensation-vision, and introspective work, more euphoric and even cathartic. I have a friend who right in the second minute couldn’t stop laughing as she couldn’t hold her bliss, in the fun way. From that to others having a regression to their infancy, to other who saw their akashic records, angels come often (I call them form time to time but without telling the clients at start), some e.t.´s (the good ones), Arcturians are joining the party apparently. Crystals! They are like lenses to the field, they get supercharged, I usually use some quartz, Shungite and others according to the needs, and for example a chunk of quartz in the heart is very catalyzing onto heart awareness, also helps some client to develop inner space awareness. Shunguite is my favorite tho, anywhere it is needed to channel the energy, a modest Shungite piece is very top tier in my view. I sometimes use a form of energetic healing called marma therapy or prana healing, very similar to reiki, some say it is the inspiration of reiki system actually. This I do once the client is acquainted with weird stuff and is open to receive. It is some of the things that amazed me more in the practice because the energy available to channel is of course muuuch greater. Group sessions are AMAZING, I do this with lamps on the center of the circle, some movement to loose and open the body, deep breath work and long meditations. It enables this group bliss synergy to a whole new level. This I do with low intensity (which can be on for hours as it does not heat) and then at the final meditation part, some low to mid level intensity for 10-15min does the job. Had very nice feedback from this, there weren’t people who didn’t feel anything from the field. Another key point is grounding it really is, even if you don’t have a yard, some wire through the ground connection is functional! There are even some grounding matts and bracelets out there.

Cases A, severe sacral nerve inflammation that caused pain and even fainting, pain on walking for a short time. A couple of days after the first session, the pain was gone. We had a second and she was able to deal with the emotional aspect of the process. HRV Coherence 0.3 before, 0.7 on the second session. G, medullar cancer, after very strong interventions with chemo and drainage of the medulla, the doctors said she was healed but not healable, so they gave her “micro-chemo” for 20 days a month for the rest of her days. She decided to take 1 month off it and do some work with me. She had the aftereffect of extreme sensitivity on the body, grass would seem like needles on foot, swollen extremities, headaches, fatigue. Procedure was 2 times a week. After 2 weeks, inflammation, pains un the extremities and fatigue had decreased significantly. She could walk barefoot again after that. 340, stress index before, 121 after. She resumed her yoga clases with success and finished her treatment of 1 month 2 x week. Her stress index went down to 74

My friend Patrick who is an osteopath; he felt very much the harmonization it gave to him, being very sensible to his mental and corporeal states, he described feeling the body more light and more space in general, and more order in the mental dialog as calmness. We did some sessions with combined sacro-craneal work with the system on and it worked in synergy, while the Theraphi induces the Still point, he accompanied with the corrections on deviations and creating the space for it and he said the adjustments where better received. J, a tumor in the tonsils, after somer targeted radio and some other natural supplements treatment he managed to erase it, but the aftereffects where noticeable in the tension that remained in the zone, in his voice and saliva production. We had 12 sessions 2 to 3 times a week, he felt great relief in the field, he is an advance yogi so he identified right away how the system catalices the meditative process. He was able to lower the inflammation, his voice changed substantially, his saliva wasn’t coming yet but he experienced great relief mentally in all those sessions. P, a shaman that came to try and had an amazing revitalizing experience but more centrally, he said it was very much a portal like a sacred space, and that he could project himself very easily. He had very grateful encounters that where sustained through the session. HRV Coherence .6 before .8 after J, a very sensitive woman who had a profound visionary states, where she could enter her akashic records with much clarity and received a visit from Arcturians (not the only one), she felt more lightness and joy afterwards. L, Migraine every mornings associated with upper neck pains. Chronic pain in the superior joint of the SCM that she could not loose until then with manual treatment. We did some neck-auto stretching techniques, corrected breathing patterns and assessed emotional background, meditation techniques followed by medium intensity, 2 cicles of 12/8min. After a couple days the pain was gone and she identified new things in her emotional memory as she implemented new simple but effective self care acts. HRV Coherence .5 before, .8 after. O, he broke the tibia and fibula, after the surgery he came to make the healing more effective. We had 9 sessions over 1 month. After 2 months he was already walking without assistance with no pain and a very well joined bone. This usually takes 3+ months, for a person in his 30´s. HRV coherence .4 before .9 after. On the general view, had very good results in terms of finding an “aha” moment, a re-evaluation on ones life and repurposing, some even had strong emotional releases that helped to navigate through traumas and other strong mind-impressions-samskaras. I mean the field is very much psychoactive of course! So lovely instances of that part. Had various people reporting healing symptoms of post-covid. And lots of cases of healing respiratory illness as allergies. Breathing is greatly improved as HRV clearly does. Apart from that I had other very good results combining my practice with that of my friend who is a great osteopath. Together we treat mostly musculoskeletal conditions in which we’ve managed to alleviate pains, inflammations, accumulation of tension, accelerate healing of sprains, strains, restoring palpable rhythms (peristaltic), and so on. In sessions where the person received the theraphi after manual therapy. We were both amazed on how some cases turned to heal so fast. So this are like the most evident cases of some common denominator experiences. I know it is not all very quantitative and deep analysis. But this is just to show how well it is being received, in fact I only had 2 persons who “didn’t felt anything” but their HRV and their faces did show change and often people just can’t relax and cope with mental chatter to allow more awareness, so it think that is key as Dan suggests. Until now it has been that experiment with the therapeutic protocol, and integrate it with the tools I have and it worked beautifully. I’m looking forward getting some rigorous tests but that takes lots of energy since it has to be carefully designed. And of course it has to be only Theraphi-influenced treatment under controlled conditions, which in the integrative approach I practice is hard to manage on the daily client, after all healing is as much art as it is science. I’m looking forward to make some controlled trials now that I’m more established and gather some volunteers to make controlled HRV before and after. As a biophysicist, I can say that we know that at least there are 5 mechanisms in which we know the system operates, which has been studied for some time now: -Photobiomodulation (in more ways than near infrared-mitochondrial enhancement actually) -Infrasound (sonic-neural mechanisms) -Cold Atmospheric plasma (a form of it which seems safer) -Negative Ion Wind (a very strong version of it) -AND the most esoteric till now- Electromagnetic fields. Which we now have Dan’s theory to explain which are the sweet frequencies and the longitudinal component, and solve the predictive theory part of all of the above for more “bioactive action”. We did observe the benefits that all of these concepts reported in their respective studies, in a combined manner! And I say this also having read all other reports of Theraphi. So there remains keep exploring the biologic significance to further develop the application of the negentropic principle. One of, if not the most beautiful, realization in the field of being a healer for me was that as practitioners we merely, but so delicately have to help the self to do his wise “thing”. And there is only but one healer whom we are all scrubs. I know that most of practitioners are well understood in their intuition that Theraphi works and it does so marvelously. For the sake of good new science and new discoveries is that I invite everyone out there to share an effort to keep evolving. Hence achieving critical mass of an emerging culture in harmony. Thank you Dan and Paul! My deepest appreciation to all of you out there courageous beings, who are willing to step into the unknown and make it known for the rest to do the best, who boldly took the path in the search of a better way, a healthier way. May the divine light shine through you, namaste.